It's OK To Ask

Don't Give Up

Episode Summary

Bianca asks, “What do you do if you give up on something, but you really want to do it in your heart?”

Episode Notes

Bianca asks, “What do you do if you give up on something, but you really want to do it in your heart?”    

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Episode Transcription

It’s OK To Ask: A Kids Advice Podcast

S1 EP08, Don’t Give Up


Nina: This is It’s Okay To Ask: A Kids Advice Podcast.

I’m your host, Nina Purewal.

We know that you confront really big questions all of the time weekly, or maybe even daily about what to say in situations, what to do, how to even respond. Asking for advice from friends and classmates is a wonderful way to help inform your own decision-making choices.

And it's okay to ask. That's why we're making this show here. Today's question comes from Bianca. 

Bianca asks, “What do you do if you give up on something, but you really want to do it in your heart?” 

Wow, Bianca! That's a very thought-provoking question.

And what do you think, listener? Do you ever give up, but in your heart, you really want to get it done and you really want to keep pushing? I know that happens to me all of the time. 

What do you do in those situations? What do you do in those situations? 

Let's hear some advice.


Choice 1

Aria: Hi, my name is Aria. I'm eight years old and I'm from Ontario, Canada. 

If I give up on something, but I really wanna do it. Um, I would tell myself. It's okay. Keep trying. It's okay. If your friends and family can do it, um, and I would have a growth and positive mindset to help me achieve my goals. 

Choice 2

Bianca: My name is Bianca. I'm seven years old. I live in Ontario, Canada. 

Well, you can say to your mind that I really want to do this in my heart, so I'm going to do it and I'm going to keep on trucking.

Choice 3

Cyla: THi, my name is Cyla. I'm nine years old and I live in Atlanta. 

My advice when someone is giving up on something, but they really want to do it in their heart, is to think about what they really wanna do and why they want to do it, and then say it out loud. 

And then go in their brain and think if I do what I really love to do, what will be the outcome? How will it make you feel? 

And then using that and what you just thought of. Maybe say like, “Oh, I actually don't want to quit.” And maybe like, give yourself a mental pep talk, be like, “I can do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to be great. I'm good enough. I'm fast enough. I'm strong enough.” 

Or maybe tell yourself whatever you feel uncomfortable about.

Choice 4

Jonah: Hi, my name is Jonah. I'm 11 years old and I live in Maryland. 

It's okay to let something go or to try to it again. Or just keep pushing. You don't have to give up. If your heart is really, if you really want to do it, then stick with it or restart it. 

Choice 5

Leo: Hi, my name is Leo. I am nine years old and I live in California. 

My advice on giving up on something, but you know, you want to do it in your heart is say you take 10 shots and you make three. I would get mad at myself because I don't like missing shots. You're never going to make shots. if you don't miss shots.

It's not like when you begin basketball, you make all your shots. You have to begin with the lay-up before a 3-pointer. And I think that if you take that into real life, it's like any sport or reality in school.

Like, you're never going to get better handwriting, you're never gonna get better at reading if you don't work on your handwriting or like read more books or try and write a book, even. 

You're never going to get better at the things, if you don't do them. 

So the advices, even if you get mad at yourself, when you don't do what you want to do, you still have to power through it.


Nina: Welcome back. 

The advice that we give often comes from a place of experience, which means that we've been through something similar before. 

And it helps us figure out how to respond the next time and when we're faced with a situation again, or even new experiences that are almost the same.

Listen to a similar experience from one of your peers. A peer is someone who is close in age to you, but who has also experienced similar things. 

Let's hear what they have to say and find out if they really have given up, but in their heart wanted to try. 

What did they do?

Choice 1

Aria: Hi, I'm Aria. And an example of when this happened to me was when I went swimming. I didn't know how to swim, but now I, I kept trying and I got braver and braver each time and I'm so proud of how far I've come. 

Choice 2

Bianca: Hi, my name is Bianca and yes, I take piano lessons. And this week in piano, I learned a song called Swan Lake and it was very hard, but my mind said not to do it, but my heart said to do it. So I kept on trying and soon I was able to get it. 

Choice 3

Cyla: Hi, my name is Cyla. 

One time when I was about to give up but I really wanted to do it in my heart is practicing my dance. So, um, my mom asked me to do, do my practice, but I really didn't want to do my practice. And then she asked me again, and I still didn't want to do it so I got a little frustrated. 

But then I came downstairs and shook my body and was like reset a little bit. 

Like maybe, maybe for you, that's like eating a snack or taking a small break. And then I came down and I was like, “I did my dance.” 

And then I realized that I was a little bit iffy on some parts. And I found those parts and I practice them over and over again and said to myself, “I can do this. I'm good enough. This is great. And having a lot of fun. I'm glad I did this.” 

Before, when I didn't want to do it, I was thinking, “Well, if I practice, I'm going to be good and I'm going to get on stage and everyone's going to be looking at me to try to find out what they're supposed to be. But if I don't practice, I'm going to get on stage and I'm not going to know what to do.”

So I went and I practiced. And then now I'm going to dance and I know the dance really well, and now I'm really good. And I'm going to be proud of myself when it comes down to the big performance. 

That was one time that I almost quit, but I really wanted to do it in my heart. And then I did.

Choice 4

Jonah: Hi, my name is Jonah and I'm an editor on YouTube and sometimes I feel like the edits aren't good enough, or like, they're not good, so I give up, but then I redo it and make it even better.

Choice 5

Leo: I can connect to this because I always want to give up in basketball because I miss and miss and miss, but the only way that you can get better and make shots is by missing.


Nina: You know, we all go through these experiences, even growing ups. I promise. 

If you've got one near you, just ask them if they've ever wanted to give up, but in their heart, they really wanted to try. 

We experience these kinds of emotions at all stages in our lives, kids and adults. I guarantee, if you ask an adult near you, they'll tell you that they've gone through something very similar and maybe even recently. 

But you know, it doesn't make it any easier for you to go through it necessarily, but it can serve as reassurance that you're not alone, my friend.

And even though it's hard, you're going to be okay when you come out the other side.

We're going to take a quick break. And when we return, we're actually going to be looking for your advice. 

Seriously, stick around.


Nina: Welcome back to It’s Okay to Ask: A Kids Advice Podcast. 

Before the break, we heard advice based on a question sent in by Bianca about what to do if you give up on something, but you really want to do it in your heart. 

Now it's our turn to come to you. 

Each of your peers brought a question and you'll hear from one of them in just a moment. After you do it's your opportunity to share some advice.

Here we go.

Choice 1

Aria: Hi, I'm Aria. And my question is what happens if you see a homeless person, but you didn't bring any money or food and you really want to help them? How do you help them? 

Choice 2

Bianca: Hi, my name is Bianca.

Yes. I do have a question. What if you're on class and there's somebody sitting behind you and they keep on talking to you and while the teacher's talking, what do you do?

Choice 3

Cyla: Hi, my name is Cyla.

What do you do when someone's being really distracting while you're trying to focus? 

They just don't care that you're trying to focus and they, like, keep saying your name or trying to tap you or get your attention. What do you do?

Choice 4

Jonah: Hi, my name is Jonah and a hard thing that I'm going through is thinking of edit ideas for my channel on YouTube. 

What should I do? Do you have any ideas? 

Choice 5

Leo: Listeners, do you have any advice for me and how I should not give up when I'm trying to do something that I love, but I get so frustrated that I'm like, “I can't do this anymore”? 


Nina: If there's ever been a time where you have wanted to give up, but in your heart, you've really wanted to push forward, we want to hear about it. 

You can write to us or send us a voice message and we'll make sure that your advice gets into the right hands. You can email us

And remember, it's okay to ask for advice on whatever is going on in your world. You were not doing this alone. 

Until next time, I'm Nina. 

And thank you so much for listening.


Nina: Thank you, Bianca, for your question. And to all of our peers for your amazing advice.

If there’s a question you’d like to ask, or if you have advice to share, you can reach us at

It’s Okay To Ask is written by me, Nina Purewal. You can learn more about me and my work at

Our show is edited and produced by Matthew Winner with help from Chad Michael Snavely and the team at Sound On Studios. Our executive producer is Jelani Memory. And this show was brought to you by A Kids Podcast About.

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